ACC Refunds
Discover and obtain client ACC refunds.
The Accelerate ACC Refund Review identifies client ACC overpayments and processes refunds directly to clients.
Generate a free Accelerate ACC Refund Report to view refund potential for your accounting firm today.

Accelerate has obtained $12 million in overpayments for accounting firm clients.
Review client invoices from 2002 to discover ACC levy overpayments.
Accelerate software scans 21 years of ACC invoicing to discover overpayment events for clients. ACC levies are charged based on earnings information provided by IRD which results in many assumptions being made by ACC when billing clients.
Accelerate clarifies incorrect assumptions to uncover over payment events, such as ceasing self-employment, changes to business structures and part-time errors. In addition to refunds, cleaning up historic ACC invoicing provides a clean slate for ACC administration moving forward.
Approximately 30% of ACC clients are entitled to a refund.
Accelerate identifies a significant proportion of clients who have overpaid ACC levies. On average, Accelerate discovers $1,195 per client, and approximately $40,000 for a firm with 500 clients.
Accelerate’s easy-to-use software enables firm’s to view, exclude and contact clients who may be entitled to a refund.
No refund, no fee.
Accelerate software processes all clients with active or historic ACC invoicing to discover potential refunds. There is no charge to accounting firms, including linking clients to your MyACC For Business or scanning client ACC invoices. If a client chooses to obtain their refund, Accelerate charges a 33% fee on the refund obtained, billed directly to the client.
If a discovery is not in your clients favour Accelerate will not pursue further, or contact ACC.
On average, Accelerate discovers $40,000 for a firm with 500 clients.
Download a free ACC Refund Report for your accounting firm to understand client refund potential.
Generate ACC Refund ReportPartners
"We have generated tens of thousands of dollars of refunds for our accounting clients."
Phil Young – Director
Progressive Accountants Ltd, Hamilton
“Most clients were completely unaware that they could have overpaid, and we as accountants were unaware of many of the issues in ACC’s invoicing system. Accelerate are very efficient in obtaining refunds.”
Brown & Associates Accounting Group Ltd